Kelly Rowe

certified nutrition health coach & children’s health advocate.

I help you navigate your child’s health and the impact it is having on your family. With tailored guidance, education and support, we can remove the overwhelm around food and get you back to living a happy, healthy, connected family life.

Your child’s health can have a big impact on their behaviour, learning, sleep and emotions. 

You might be noticing your child having regular meltdowns, finding it hard to get to sleep, struggling in the classroom, experiencing big emotions…

And you’re no doubt (understandably!) feeling exhausted, frustrated and overwhelmed.

As a Mum, former Registered Nurse and Nutrition Health Coach, I know firsthand the effect food can have on our kids. Seeing our children struggle can be really confronting and heartbreaking. I’ve been there.

There’s a lot of information out there when it comes to food and health and sometimes it’s hard to know just where to start. I can help you discover what’s really going on with your child’s health and support you to become confident and empowered to make eating changes in your family for the better.

It doesn’t have to be overwhelming. 

If you know something needs to change but you’re not sure where to start, I can help. 

Book in a free chat today so I can learn more about your concerns and we can talk about next steps towards a happier, healthier, calmer family life.

  • About

    Learn why I’m so passionate about children’s health and what led me to become a Health Coach


    We make learning about better food choices super fun for kids

  • Work with me

    Looking to make a change but not sure where to start? I would love to work with you

free meal plan e-book

As a Health Coach and busy Mum I know how much simpler and more organised our family life feels when I’ve made a meal plan and know what we are going to eat all week.

This downloadable book provides you with a great foundation to get started with your own weekly meal planning.

Download your free stress free guide to meal planning with the link below and enjoy a simpler more organised week.

Not sure which option is right for you?

Why not book a free 20 minute no-obligation Discovery Call to speak with the me about how I can support you and your unique circumstances